
Thank yous

I'm so grateful to everyone who supports and encourages me! An incomplete list below:

Thank you to:

  • The Ruby AI Builders community on Discord, a growing and enthusiastic group of learners and doers, who are always encouraging, interesting, and eager to contribute and help others.
  • Obie - A pioneer in Ruby & AI through his company Olympia and countless open source contributions. Buy and read his book (all examples are in Ruby!) - Patterns of Application Development Using AI - I have. Thanks for encouraging me!
  • Andrei - Maintainer of the Ruby Langchain project. Thanks for all your contributions to open source Ruby AI and all the great content you put out.
  • Landon - Founder of the X Ruby AI community, thank you for all your contributions and encouragement!
  • Andrew - For ALWAYS liking everything I post on X, your encouragement and everything you do for the Ruby community!
  • Everyone who has contributed to ruby-openai and my other open source projects - you can find them and other great projects here.
  • Kev, Fran, Barbara, Phil, and everyone at SARD JV who gave me my first developer job, let me make many mistakes on production and put me through university to get my Comp Sci degree and change my life.
  • Greg at OpenAI for giving me early access to the OpenAI API, and everyone at OpenAI for kickstarting the future.
  • DHH for creating the Ruby on Rails™ framework and maintaining it with steely determination for 2 DECADES. Here's to many more.
  • My amazing customers at who keep me and my partner fed and housed and constantly provide invaluable feedback and ideas.
  • Anna - thank you for your constant support and encouragement, without which none of this would be possible ❤️